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Join the 20 Minute Movement!


Our 20 Minute Movement campaign aims to encourage people of all ages, across Bradford district, to move their bodies more – for at least 20 minutes every day!

The movement is about making a promise to yourself to do something to be active every day.  It’s also about getting those around you, friends, colleagues and family to be active too!  Together we will create a community that encourages, shares and supports each other as we invest 20 minutes a day in our own physical and mental health.

Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to be healthy and stay healthy. It improves both mental and physical health, can be done by pretty much anyone and it’s never too late to start!

It’s not about expensive gyms or fancy trainers. It’s about the simple things, day to day, that you can do to be healthier and happier.

Together we can create a community that encourages, shares and supports each other as we invest 20 minutes a day in our own physical health and mental wellbeing.

What could you do?

Literally anything at all!  It could be dancing while you do housework, doing squats while you brush your teeth, or getting off the bus/train a stop early and walking.

  • You can do it all at once
  • You can do it in 5 minute chunks
  • Or 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening
  • Inside or outside
  • Whatever works for you

Just commit to be physically active for at least 20 minutes every day.

Click here to find out more

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