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Pots of Assorted Vegetables

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What Customers Told Us

Living Well recently engaged with members of the public in Bradford district to find out ways we can support them to choose healthier food options when using takeaways.

We don’t expect people to stop using takeaways, but we would like them to know which options are healthier when they are looking at a menu.

66% of people who engaged with us said that they would  be tempted try healthier options if they were available on takeaway menus.

We think it’s really important to work directly with takeaway owners and staff to develop a range of offers that work for businesses and customers.

We want food businesses to become a key part of the movement to help create a healthier Bradford district!

If you’re interested in becoming a Living Well takeaway or would like to be involved in developing a range of healthy options then we would love to hear from you.

For more information visit our website Living Well Takeaways   or e-mail us at: Takeaways@mylivingwell.co.uk

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