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Learning Across the District

FREE Affordable Internet Course

Digital Unite and the West London Alliance have worked together to create a free 10 minute course on how to help others find affordable home and mobile Internet, including how to switch to a social tariff. You will receive a certificate and course notes when you complete it.

- The course takes about 10 minutes
- It is CPD Certified
- Your details won’t be used to contact you or passed to anyone else without your consent

FREE Fall Fighter Training Course

Falls are the single biggest cause of accidental injuries in the home and the largest cause of accidental death among over-65s in the UK. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) have a free Fall Fighter training course aimed at creating a global community dedicated to fall prevention, and you and your organisation can play a critical role in this effort. The training covers the common causes of falls and has lots of practical tips for reducing the risk.

Youth Work Academy

The Youth Work Academy offers:

- Comprehensive training: Learn best practices for supporting young people at every stage.
- Continuous learning opportunities: Stay up to date with the latest youth work developments.
- Coordination: Collaborating with partners, signposting information, and professional development.
- A supportive network: Connect with fellow practitioners and share experiences.

To request a training programme and subscribe to the Youth Work Academy mailing list:

Click Here

The Compass Service

Could you share some of your time, skills and interests with an adult who needs extra care and support?

The Compass service are looking for people who have experience of caring and supporting others. You need to be available for 7 or more hours a week, willing to use your home as a base and be a car driver. You will be paid an hourly rate and receive training and support from the Bradford Shared Lives team.

If you are interested please:
Email the Compass Service

NHS Healthy Start Scheme Staff Briefing Sessions

Do you work with young families? The NHS Healthy Start scheme helps young families on low incomes to get healthy food, milk and vitamin supplements. The scheme has undergone a number of changes over the last few years.

These 1 hour online Staff Briefing Sessions aim to provide a practical, evidenced based overview for any staff who work in the Bradford District who would like to update their knowledge on the national NHS Healthy Start scheme and the local Bradford District Healthy Start vitamin distribution schemes. The online briefing sessions will be on:

• Tuesday 24th Sept 2024 10am-11am
• Thursday 17th Oct 2024 9.30-10.30am
• Friday 29th Nov 2024 9.30-10.30am
• Thursday 27th Feb 2025 10am-11am

To book a place on one of these online briefing sessions please email below with your name, e-mail address, job title and work postcode.

Email Katie Smith

Learn CPR in 15 Minutes

The British Heart Foundation have developed RevivR, a free, interactive, online CPR training course. In just 15 minutes, you can learn how to save a life and receive your very own CPR certificate. All you need is your mobile phone or tablet and a cushion to practice on.

HENRY Training for Professionals

The HENRY vision is that children have a healthy, happy start in life to flourish throughout childhood and beyond. HENRY offers FREE training for professionals working with families of children under five across the Bradford District. They offer:

- Core Training: for those working directly with parents
- A Healthy Start in Childcare: for those who work mostly with children
- Raise, Engage, Refer Training: to boost referrals to HENRY programmes
- Group Facilitation Training: for practitioners who have completed our Core Training and want to deliver our early years family programme
- 1-to-1 programme familiarisation training: for authorised HENRY group facilitators who want to support families 1 to 1

Please see the website for more details and the next training dates and times.

Rethinking Pain - Tools and Resources

Rethinking Pain is a community-based service for adults living with long-term pain in the Bradford and Craven area. They work one-to-one and in groups to connect people living with persistent pain to find pain information, including education, support and community-based activities. They also have a range of tools and resources that can be used by people living with pain or those working with them.

They’ve launched a series of supportive films and classes on their youtube channel, all are subtitled and translate into any language:

Rethinking Pain Youtube Channel

Safety of Women and Girls Toolkit

Discover a wide range of essential resources and expert guidance to support the safety and well-being of women and girls by visiting the comprehensive website. Whether you’re seeking information on reporting methods, educational resources, training or community support networks, the platform is there to empower and educate. Explore practical tools and insightful articles designed to address the unique safety challenges faced by women and girls in diverse environments.

Type 2 Diabetes Remission Course for Health Professionals

This Diabetes UK module aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence, to enable you to have conversations about diabetes remission with people living with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes UK Learning Zone

The Diabetes UK Learning Zone has videos, quizzes and interactive tools with tasty food swaps and tips for managing diabetes day-to-day. They're tailored for each person using special category data relating to health and ethnicity that you'll get asked as you register. Then you'll get all the courses completely free, and Diabetes UK will also email you updates and support for completing courses or checking in on how you're doing.

Skills for Work

Skills for Work offers part-time courses and apprenticeships to people in the Bradford District. Covering a range of subjects from English and maths to customer services, they support individuals looking to improve or gain the skills needed to succeed in the workplace. They also work with businesses with specific training requirements and can tailor their courses to up-skill staff.

Malnutrition Information for Health and Care Professionals

Here's where you can find resources to help identify and malnutrition in the community:

A tool for identifying if someone is at risk of malnutrition in the community:
Patients Association Nutrition Checklist

Patient and carer information leaflets for those at risk of malnutrition:
Patient and Carer Information Leaflets

Community Organisation Malnutrition Resources

The Malnutition Task Force Advice (MTF) is united to combat preventable and avoidable malnutrition and dehydration among older people in the UK. They have information and resources for community organisations working with people at risk of malnutrition.

Long Covid and Mental Health Support Policy Brief

This policy briefing was produced draws on 80 interviews conducted between November 2021 - March 2022 with people living with self-identified Long COVID symptoms. This is part of the qualitative workstream of the UCL CONVALESCENCE Long COVID project, which focuses on the lived experience and support for people with Long COVID from varied socio-demographical and geographical backgrounds.

In this policy brief, increasingly prevalent mental health challenges are highlighted that face Long COVID communities in the UK. It aims to identify gaps in current policy provision to inform Long COVID care and support in a more holistic manner, as well as to reduce NHS and public health expenses.

Leading Well for Staff Health and Wellbeing in the NHS

The Covid 19 pandemic placed unprecedented pressures on the health and social care workforce and is now compounding longstanding inequalities and challenges among staff. The role of a manager and leader in protecting, supporting and promoting the health and wellbeing of staff has, therefore, never been more necessary and urgent.

This free, online, three-week course, provided by Futurelearn, helps you to develop your understanding of your own health and wellbeing and learn to better lead and support your colleagues, team and organisation.

Trauma Informed Practice Training

FREE training on the Tier 1 Trauma informed Practice framework is available online or in person in Bradford district.

Expert speakers will guide you through the framework, equipping you with the necessary skills to provide trauma-informed care. This event is perfect for healthcare professionals, social workers, educators, and anyone interested in trauma-informed care. Following completion of the training, you will receive a CPD certificate.

Online Training Sessions

In Person Training Sessions

Breastfeeding and Perinatal Mental Health e-learning Module

This programme has been developed by NHS England e-learning for healthcare, the Anna Freud Centre and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. It explains how breastfeeding and perinatal mental health are intertwined, and what factors can influence this relationship. It also provides tools and guidance to support staff to deliver self-reflective, person-centred care.

The e-learning consists of 2 sessions:

Session 1: The relationship between infant feeding and perinatal mental health
Session 2:: Practical skills to support families with infant feeding and perinatal mental health

The programme is intended for anyone involved in providing support to families during pregnancy and the first couple of years after birth, including midwives, health visitors, infant feeding support workers, perinatal mental health specialists, psychological professionals and early years workers.

North of England Activities and Training (NEAT)

NEAT supports out of school activities for young people (ages 11-25); and offers training for adult leaders of such activities.

They offer training sessions for people who want to lead others in the countryside. The sessions include:

• Equipment and how to look after it
• Access and conservation
• Group leadership
• NHS Walk Leader Level 2

Dates are arranged by agreement with registered candidates.
For details and to book:

Tel: 01274 635579
Email Bradford Activities

Woodspeen Training

Woodpseen offer FREE training to adults age 19+ across West Yorkshire, fully funded from the Adult Education Budget (AEB). They offer:

- Level 2 Improving Personal Health, Fitness and Nutrition (a 5 week course)

- Level 2 Professional Development short courses via Microsoft Teams on:
• Behaviour That Challenges
• Children's Mental Health
• Self Harm & Suicide Awareness
• Autism Awareness
• Learning Difficulties
• Mental Health
• Equality and Diversity
• Special Educational Needs and Disability

Any adult over the age of 19 is eligible for support through the Adult Education Budget. In particular, the following people are entitled to fully funded access to training:

• 19+ before 01.08.2022
• Have lived in the UK for 3 years and not be studying anywhere else due to dual funding
• Earning less than £21 255 a year
• Wanting to achieve your first full Level 2 or Level 3 (GCSE or A Level equivalent) qualification

Tel: 07484 097205
Email Zahra Batool

Free Courses for Parents

Bradford Council have worked with OnePlusOne to provide parents in this area with THREE FREE ONLINE COURSES. Learn to cope with stress and communicate better, wherever you are in your parenting journey. The courses are:

1. Arguing Better - Disagreements are a normal part of life. How you approach them can make all the difference to you, your partner, and your children.

2. Me, You and Baby Too - Learn how to navigate the changes that happen in a relationship when a baby arrives.

3. Getting it right for children - When parents are separating or separated, children can often get caught in the middle. Learn how to manage conflict to minimise the impact it has on your children.

To access the courses, you will need a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and a good internet connection. They are all FREE to use, so you’ll just need to select your local authority area and create an account with a username and password.

Children's Mental Health Training - Mental Health Champions Foundation Programme

This CPD-certified Mental Health Champions Foundation programme is an award-winning online children’s mental health training course, available as a free e-learning programme. The programme aims to:

- enhance professionals’ understanding of children’s mental health
- introduce approaches that foster positive wellbeing in schools, colleges and communities

The course is suitable for people working with children and young people of any age. It is suitable for:
- Teachers and school based staff - UK qualified teacher stats (QTS), early career teachers (ECT), probationer, newly qualified teacher (NQT), or a school based role
- Youth workers and trusted adults who work with young people to support their development in care, informal education and leisure settings

Suicide Awareness and Suicide Prevention Training

Suicide Awareness and Suicide Prevention training can benefit everybody, in both personal and professional lives. There are many options for different types of training:

Suicide Prevention West Yorkshire have lots of different, free training options for anyone who lives or works in the district:
Suicide Prevention West Yorkshire Training

The Zero Suicide Alliance has a number of free, online training courses to help you learn the skills and confidence to have a potentially life-saving conversation with someone you’re worried about.
Zero Suicide Alliance Training

Papyrus – Prevention of Young Suicide offers a range of suicide prevention training including a free 30 minute session.
Papyrus Training

Working with People and Communities to Improve Health Outcomes

This online course is about learning how to engage with different people and communities to reduce inequalities and ensure inclusive access to healthcare.

Understanding how to work effectively with diverse groups can help you better meet the needs of the different people you work with. This two-week course from NHS England will show you how simple changes can create big improvements to people’s lives and transform their access to healthcare services. You’ll take a strengths-based approach to understand how you can work with people and not systems. With this knowledge, you’ll learn how your work can have a bigger impact.

Diabetes UK Online CPD Modules

Diabetes UK offer a series of online courses for non-specialist healthcare professionals. These are 90 minute courses on the topics of Understanding Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes Remission and Emotional wellbeing.

All our Health elearning Programme

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities’ All Our Health framework is a call to action to all health and care professionals to embed prevention within their day-to-day work. Through educational materials, tools and resources, All Our Health helps professionals make an even greater impact in preventing illness, protecting health, promoting wellbeing and reducing health inequalities.

The All Our Health elearning sessions have been developed to provide a bite-sized introduction to the wide range of topics covered within the All Our Health framework. Within these sessions, you’ll find signposting to trusted sources of helpful evidence, guidance and support. You can dip in and out of the content as and when you need it. Currently, there are 32 All Our Health elearning sessions available covering a wide variety of public health topics.

Community Action - Bradford and District (CABAD)

CABAD provide a variety of training courses for voluntary and community groups as well as for individuals in the Bradford District. We run many courses online, some of which we can offer at low or no cost for small voluntary groups due to subsidies and bursaries. Price is subject to status. Some of these courses include:

- Registering a charity
- Social Enterprises
- Applying for small grants
- Starting a new group

Moving Healthcare Professionals

Moving Healthcare Professionals is a national programme, led by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and Sport England, to support healthcare professionals to increase their knowledge and skills, and incorporate physical activity within routine care to support quality improvement and better patient outcomes. The programme provides free online peer-to-peer group training and practical resources to support healthcare professionals to provide brief physical activity advice for the management and preventions of common conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

e-learning for healthcare

This platform provides e-learning for the health and social care workforce on a wide variety of subjects

One Workforce Hub

Bradford District and Craven's One Workforce Hub draws together the whole health and social care sector across Bradford District and Craven to support and grow the workforce.

The qualifications section has details of a wide range of courses available in the Bradford District which will support you into and through a career in health and social care.

(Website is currently unavailable, please contact the Living Well team for details.)

All Our Health: Smoking and Tobacco

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of smoking and tobacco - including key evidence, data and signposting to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC)

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the millions of every day to day conversations and interactions that organisations and people have with other people to encourage changes in behaviour that have a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and populations. Options for learning are:

1) An online learning activity which offers practical advice on how to carry out opportunistic chats, signpost to other services.

e-learning for health MECC course

2) View the Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Network MECC Link which has simple signposting to better health and wellbeing guides on a range of topics.


All Our Health: Physical Activity

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of physical activity - including key evidence, data and signposts to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing

All Our Health: Mental Health and Wellbeing

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of mental health and wellbeing - including key evidence, data and signposting to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing.

All Our Health: Healthy Eating

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of healthy eating - including key evidence, data and signposting to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing.

All Our Health: Alcohol

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of alcohol - including key evidence, data and signposting to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing

Learn My Way

Learn My Way has free courses to learn digital skills.

Supporting older people to live active, healthy lives

This training programme was developed  have an interest in helping people remain as independent as possible by supporting them to move more often. It was developed by Professor Dawn Skelton at Glasgow Caledonian University as part of the Care about Physical Activity (CAPA) programme. It covers 6 modules of approximately one hour each which you can complete at any time. To access you need to register for a FREE Turas account.

Workplace Physical Activity Champions Training

Workplace movement offer training for workplaces around physical activity champions. It is suitable for any staff member who would like to take on the role of physical activity champion. The session will provide information, advice and guidance on how to create an active workplace culture and drive engagement in physical activity in the workplace.

Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity

This is an e-learning course aimed at physical activity coaches from UK coaching. It helps you to gain the confidence to support people experiencing mental health problems and help the to thrive inside and outside your sessions at a cost of £12 per person.

Activity Alliance 'Inclusive Activity Programme'

A fun and interactive introduction to making physical activity inclusive and accessible to everyone. Offering face to face, live online classroom and e-learning options.

Physical Activity and Health: The prevention and management of long term conditions by being active

This elearning course prepares GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to champion the benefits of physical activity with their patients and, in doing so, help prevent and/or manage a range of common physical and mental health conditions. The course will familiarise the learner with the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines, the underpinning evidence base and how to incorporate it into their daily clinical care.

Physical activity in the treatment of long term conditions

This e-learning collection highlights the importance of physical activity and how it can produce health benefits with detailed evidence-based summaries on how it can prevent and improve specific conditions such as cancer, diabetes and mental health.

Moving Medicine

A resource to help healthcare professionals integrate physical activity conversations into routine clinical care.

Psychological First Aid: Supporting Children and Young People

On this 3-week course you will explore the techniques of psychological first aid (PFA), the globally recommended training for supporting people during emergencies. You’ll focus on children and young people’s mental health, and what you can do to help them cope and access the support they need during and after emergencies and crisis situations. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience as this introductory course will teach you the key principles of giving PFA to children and young people in crisis situations. This course is available on the online 'FutureLearn' website.

Healthy Weight Coach E-Learning Programme

The Healthy Weight Coach elearning programme has been developed for colleagues in primary care and primary care networks who already engage and interact with people as part of their role and are interested in supporting people who want to prioritise their weight, health and wellbeing. The training will help individuals to engage and support people living with overweight and obesity to make positive changes to their health and weight-related behaviours.The healthy weight coach elearning programme is made up of 8 sessions.

Deconditioning Training

A training package developed as a response to the Covid 19 pandemic to help older adults whose function has declined. It covers increasing understanding of normal ageing, falls risks and management strategies, deconditioning and how to reduce this, practical ideas, hints and tips to safely increase independence activity levels with your community members and an increase understanding of who to refer to therapy and how.

Covid 19 Recovery and Rehabilitation

This interactive e-learning programme aims to provide health and care staff, including allied health professionals, fitness professionals and carers with strategies and techniques to manage key symptoms experienced by people recovering from Covid-19.Four 20-minute e-learning sessions cover breathlessness, exercise, cough and fatigue, with knowledge checks occurring at key points. Although the sessions interconnect, they can be completed as individual modules.
On completion of the sessions, a certificate can be downloaded and CPD will be allocated to members who complete the training.

Domestic Abuse/Coercive Control - Recognising and Responding Training

MS Teams or Face to Face Training. You need to complete two modular learning sessions in order. Training is FREE and staff welcome from all agencies. If you haven't used the booking system below you will need to create an account on Learn & Develop Bradford.

Food and Nutrition Training Programme

Do you work in the Bradford and Airedale area and provide food and nutrition advice as part of your role? Do you want to update your nutrition knowledge and be able to give correct advice? Free training is offered by the Bradford Nutrition Improvement Dietitians Team covering Nutrition through life stages, Nutrition awareness and Nutrition and Health conditions. Contact the department for a full prospectus of training courses.

The Skills Toolkit

Free courses to help you learn new skills or get a new job. Learn about:

- practical maths
- computer essentials
- personal growth and wellbeing
- professional development
- business and finance
- digital design and marketing
- computer science and coding