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Reducing Discrimination and Prejudice

Holding a Coloured Kite in a Field

The school years are a critical time for developing a child’s view of themselves and their individual potential.

Discrimination and prejudice encountered in the classroom can cause damage to a child’s self-esteem and educational outcomes.

Living Well Schools aims to support schools to take a proactive approach, reducing discrimination, prejudice and unconscious bias.

Spotlight Programs

The Linking Network

The Linking Network seeks to link schools and communities together, and support work Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural development that can form a lever for positive whole school change.

Linking Schools Programme Training
- Support and training for facilitators running a local linking project for groups of schools

Tel: 01274 439248


Speak Out! Promoting Values of Equality, Democracy and Human Rights (Free)

Provided by: Remembering Srebrenica/Bradford Council

Speak Out! is an education programme for secondary pupils that promotes the values of equality, democracy and human rights, and explores ways in which young people can use their voices constructively for society.

The programme uses a discussion based approach and an element of peer education to explore issues such as harassment, discrimination, and political extremism. The aim is to develop young peoples’ critical thinking skills and empathy in the face of divisive narratives, peer pressure and harmful social norms.

The programmes contains various options which can be purchased together or separately. They are:

- Workshops for Key Stage 3 classes on sexual harassment, democracy and making change, or propaganda and critical thinking.

- Training for peer educators on the Remembering Srebrenica exhibition, including the loan of the exhibition for up to two weeks.

- A new educational film produced by the University of Bradford which supports the exhibition.

- Pupil voice development work.

- A free whole school assembly.


Dedicated Resources

How To Be A Better Ally

Through examples from people who have lived experience with racism, this 5-minute video shares useful tips for school staff on supporting Black students. In this video, Black students and teachers share their experiences of racism in school and offer tips for safeguarding students.

This resource is designed for use by school staff. This video could be shown as part of a staff meeting, to generate discussion about the school's policy towards equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). It is recommended that the resource be facilitated by an experienced member of staff within the wider context of school–wide CPD or EDI policy. There should be time available for discussion and reflection after the video is shown.

Bradford People Library

Collated by Bradford People Library. Bradford’s People Library is a collection of ‘human books’ highlighting the many things we have in common as human beings, as well as celebrating our differences. Read on for inspiring stories from people born and bred or newly arrived and who live in all parts of our wonderful district. Demonstrating that there is always more to a human ‘book’ than just its cover.

Visit the website to watch the stories from people across Bradford.

Black History Resources

Mentally Healthy Schools have put together some resources around Black history. The resources shared here are split into sections for primary schools and secondary and FE settings. There is also a section sharing whole-school approach resources.

All the resources included focus on mental health themes, helping schools to explore ideas around diversity, self-belief, identity and the impact of racism on those who experience it.

Unicef – In Search of Safety. Explaining the Refugee and Migrant Crisis

This resource aims to allow teachers to help their students – primary (age seven upwards) and secondary – make sense of the current refugee and migrant crisis in Europe, within a children’s rights framework. A range of films, images and information is provided to help you explore this topic with children and to bring the activities in this resource to life.