Get in touch!

Facilitated Providers

Mydentist Keighley - Oral Health offer (Adults)

Mydentist Keighley are offering delivery of practice-based prevention and access (treatment) sessions, alongside community-based prevention sessions (subject to ICB approval) for children & young people and adults across Keighley, with the end goal of reducing inequalities around oral health by:

- Collaborating with community stakeholders
- Increasing prevention activity
- Adopting a school-based approach
- Designating appointments for vulnerable groups
- Breaking down barriers to accessing care
- Working towards a 'family solution' and building household habits

Anyone with a professional email address can make a referral and submit a form for an adult. Please download the form below, once completed please email to:

If your school, organisation or community group would like to invite Mydentist Keighley to deliver community-based prevention sessions as part of their outreach programme in your setting or if you have any questions, please contact Connor Brett (Practice Manager):


Mydentist Keighley - Oral Health offer (CYP)

Mydentist Keighley are offering delivery of practice-based prevention and access (treatment) sessions, alongside community-based prevention sessions (subject to ICB approval) for children & young people and adults across Keighley, with the end goal of reducing inequalities around oral health by:

- Collaborating with community stakeholders
- Increasing prevention activity
- Adopting a school-based approach
- Designating appointments for vulnerable groups
- Breaking down barriers to accessing care
- Working towards a 'family solution' and building household habits

Anyone with a professional email address can make a referral and submit a form for a CYP. Please download the form below, once completed please email to:

If your school, organisation or community group would like to invite Mydentist Keighley to deliver community-based prevention sessions as part of their outreach programme in your setting or if you have any questions, please contact Connor Brett (Practice Manager):


1hr Mental Health Intro Course

Living Well Academy

This course is for anyone who would like to learn more about mental health. It is an introductory 1-hour course and covers what mental health is including an interactive quiz, key communication skills when supporting someone with poor mental health and looking at self-help tools to help look after your own mental health and that of family and friends. Information on other courses and how to book on is also provided.

They have delivered this to mainly Respect Allies within the Council, but is suitable for anyone wanting to learn a bit more about mental health and how to help look after their own and that of family/friends.

To host a session at your school or find out more please contact:


Bradford Educational Psychology Team

Highly skilled, dedicated and professional team of Educational Psychologists whose aim is to use psychology to enable positive change to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and young people. We promote learning, social inclusion and emotional health and well-being within schools, settings and partner agencies.

Offering input in relation to a wide range of issues that impact on children and young people’s learning and progress, including specific and general learning difficulties, language and communication skills, issues relating to social, emotional and mental health and physical / sensory difficulties.

Call: 01274 439444

Bikeability Bradford

Bikeability is ‘cyclist training’ for all in the 21st century, designed to give the next generation of riders the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads.
Bikeability Bradford can offer:
- Learn To Ride
- Bikeability Balance
- Bikeability 1,2 and 3
- Ebikes
- School Holiday courses

It is free for schools to access that meet certain criteria.

For road safefty information, please visit:
Road Safety Bradford

Commando Joe's Lets Play

Commando Joe's Lets Play programme aims to increase physical activity during the school day through improving children's play experiences at breaktimes and lunches.

Offering a pupil-led play enrichment programme delivered by the children for the children. Promoting positive behaviours drawing upon the 7 core elements of play to promote social and emotional learning and build upon the foundations of R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

T: 01942 409654

Democracy Workshop

Living Well Schools, in collaboration with Child Friendly Bradford, are offering schools to join us for a free, fun and interactive Local Democracy Workshop at City Hall.

Your pupils will get the opportunity to learn about how decisions are made in our city, meet local councillors, and share their ideas on how to improve the community. It’s a great way to develop civic awareness.

To book a workshop email

Grow to School

Grow to School CIC works with schools to create practical ways to enhance access to outdoor learning, enriching education for all children. We focus on providing hands-on outdoor learning and food-growing opportunities for Pre-school, Early Years, and Primary settings. Accredited by the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge.

We offer support, training and easy-to-use resources to help schools:

• Grow, cook and taste fresh food
• Learn about and interact with nature
• Teach their curriculum outdoors
• Train teachers to lead outdoor classes confidently
• Use the outdoors as a learning space

To find out more please email:

Grow to School – The Growbag Toolkit

The Growbag Toolkit is an affordable, easy-to-use resource designed to support schools in food growing, nature connection, and outdoor learning. Tailored for both Primary and Early Years settings, it includes hands-on activities, staff training, and ongoing support to enrich outdoor curriculum delivery.

With step-by-step guides, engaging activities, and monthly email updates, the Growbag provides everything schools need to maximise their outdoor spaces. The Growbag promotes effective learning for students of all ages and abilities. Accredited by the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge.

For more details:
Primary School Toolkit
Early Years Toolkit

Or email:

Teach Active

Teach Active provides schools and teachers with online lesson plans and resources designed to deliver the Maths and English curriculum through physically active learning.

Containing over 3000 active Maths and English lesson plans, giving teachers the ideas and resources to plan and deliver outstanding lessons.

T: 01244 735 110

Canal & River Trust (Sport England)

Canal & River Trust are pleased to be funded by Sport England to deliver programmes of physical activity with children and young people across the Bradford District, focusing on ways of keeping active along the canal, such as walking groups to water based activities.

Aiming to increase the amount of physical activity children and young people are taking part in and showcasing the canal and other blue and green spaces as great locations for free or low cost physical activity.

They are also offering opportunities for school staff and volunteers to up skill, enabling schools to independently lead sessions for sustainable change.

• Physical activity in blue and green spaces: KS2 (free - limited spaces)
• Up skilling opportunities: School staff/Parents (free - limited spaces)

To find out more and check your schools eligibility please email:

Canal & River Trust – Explorers (Schools)

Explore the geography of rivers, history of canals, their place in our communities, the habitats they support and the positive impact they have on our wellbeing.

Free visits, workshops, resources and more!

Facilitated provision for schools include:
• Outreach
Workshops, talks, live webinars and assemblies: in school and online.
• Water safety
In-school and online workshops.
Explore real-world STEM through visits, workshops and careers education.
• Social Action
Get involved through challenges, fundraising and volunteering.


Child Bereavement UK

Information, support and guidance for professionals working within education sector in schools, nursery/early years settings or further education.

• 1:1 support to children and young people following bereavement of any relationship, within any timescale
• Family and sibling support sessions
• Pre-bereavement support is offered to children and families when someone is not expected to live beyond 6 months.
• Various group programmes/drop-in across the area as well as National online support groups/webinars
• Specific bereavement groups can be set-up/facilitated within schools where there is a specific need
• Training to professionals (some school training does now incur a charge but this is reviewed on a case by case basis –
• Drop-in school support in response to a student or staff death is offered with immediate response

M: 07825339221

Oral Health Improvement Team

Dedicated team committed to improving the oral health of local communities in Bradford and Airedale, offering a range of programmes focusing on improving young children’s oral health, highlighting the importance of preventing dental decay from birth up to 19 years old.

Fluoride Varnish Programme:
• All schools are part of this programme and have a dedicated Oral Health Champion from the team.

Parent Talks/Workshops:
• Schools can contact their Oral Health Champion for any oral health talks/parent workshops, the team will always attend if they have staffing capacity.

To contact the team please email: or call 01274 529085.

Supervised Toothbrushing Programme:
• 32 primary schools from priority areas are being recruited to join this programme.

To express interest and check your schools eligibility, please email:


Living Streets WOW Walk To School Challenge

WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker.

If they travel sustainably (walk/wheel, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that easy!

If you would like to find out more about getting your school involved please email or visit the website.


Bradford Forest Schools Network

Bradford Forest School Network is a group of individuals and organisations with a mission is to promote to develop and promote Forest Schools in the Bradford District.

They offer children, young people and adults’ regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a local woodland or natural wooded environment.



Bikeability has a vision to ensure everyone has the confidence to cycle and enjoy this skill for life.

They deliver cycle training to both children and adults, but the majority of delivery is helping children learn the life skill of cycling.

Tel: 01223 606027

Go Wild Outdoors

GoWild Outdoors mission is to raise self esteem, awareness and self confidence with an appreciation of the natural environment through outdoor adventure.

Offering a variety of support to suit your schools individual needs including forest schools, education based outdoor programmes and residentials.

Sessions are play-based experiences that support children on their journey, raising confidence and self-esteem, supporting communication, building relationships with other children and helping them to understand and manage their own emotions.

T: 01274 900 301

Youth Sports Development

Youth Sports Development are a specialist sports coaching company who work closely with nurseries, preschools and primary schools within Yorkshire.

Offering highly qualified, experienced and dedicated coaching team they are able to offer the following:

-PPA PE Lessons and PE CPD
-Dance & Gymnastics
-Breakfast, Lunchtime and After School Clubs
-Sports Leaders Awards
-School Holidays Multi Sports Clubs

T: 01274 834 365

Bradford Healthy Minds Chartermark

Audit to evaluate and improve provisions in schools, and make a whole school approach to Mental health. This extends onto both staff and pupils, to provide a sense of safety and to help build appropriate relationships to further provide a positive environment. The Chartermark is based on eight key principles for mental health and wellbeing as recognised by Public Health England, this is to ensure benchmarks are met whilst meeting the target of a whole school approach.


Nurture UK

Nurture UK is a national charity dedicated to improving children's mental health and well-being by breaking down barriers to learning. Underpinned by the six principles of nurture: emphasises the significance of social environments in shaping social emotional skills, well-being, and behaviour. Based on Attachment Theory, the nurturing approach supports children to address any developmental gaps by engaging them in nurturing experiences. supports attainment, improves communication, develops resilience and improves confidence.

T: 020 3962 0886

Night Owls

An out of hours listening service to lend an ear to those struggling. Night OWLS is a confidential support line for children and young people in crisis. Helping them and their parents and carers. Trained professionals at hand to ease those with anxiety, depression or any concerns regarding their emotional wellbeing. This is a safe space where someone can listen and show warmth, acceptance and understanding and provide a different outlook whilst keeping you safe. A confidential service – they won’t tell anyone else about your call unless you ask them to – except in exceptional circumstances.

T: 0800 1488 244
O: Support Chat (


Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship. These fundamentals are showcased via tailored workshops created by teachers for teachers to help share key tips and tricks. This provides a whole-school approach to help ensure positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement – equipping you everything you need to meet the Relationships Education and Health Education statutory requirements. Catering for all key stages in primary school.

T: 020 7520 0364

ATR Training

Understanding how the brain develops from the beginning is essential to addressing and reducing the consequences of trauma and unfavourable childhood experiences. With a goal of lowering trauma, adversity, and promoting resilience, the Bradford ATR program is driving systemic change- by introducing the most recent ideas and data and by encouraging teamwork to inform changes to workplace practices, regulations, and culture.
T: 01274 723146

Step 2

Provides a holistic approach designed to help children and young people be as healthy as possible. Provides counselling with trained professionals to better equip those in need and creates a place for children and young people to process difficult experiences, make sense of complex emotions and manage themselves more effectively. All beneficial in raising attendance and improving performance. Available to ages 5+.

T: 01274 720 185


Offers online mental wellbeing service that allows pupils to connect with professionals and pupils of their own calibre- this extends to primary schools with the offer to year 5&6. Showcases how to reflect and process your emotions by indulging in mini activities such as; Making your own coping box, creating a ‘good mood’ playlist and 1:1 support online. Kooth also emphasises the importance of journaling to process and to track progress. A judgement-free forum to get advice, help others and share your story.
Text: 85258

Bounce Together

Surveys for parents, students and teachers with data collection/analysis to help identify and support those who need it. Bounce Together help to ensure quality resourcing to aide and enhance the wellbeing of schools in its entirety with different ways to measure data collectively whilst proving a variety. Implementing early intervention strategies in schools are crucial for promoting student success, enhancing school culture, and fostering a supportive learning environment.

T: 0161 518 5245

Mental Health Support Team

The Mental Health Support Teams offers low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), one to one and group work with children and young people at primary and secondary school who experience worry, low mood, separation anxiety, panic and general anxiety in schools. The team also offers support to parents and teachers, they can signpost to other services and share useful information and resources.

T: 01274 228300

One Goal

A Mental Health Champion Training Programme for primary school children to inspire and motivate pupils to become creative in and outside the classroom. Free online Mental Health Champion Training Video lessons for KS2 pupils, navigate their emotions and build relationships. This aids in better performance in the classroom and becoming more self-aware of oneself to further develop.


Do be Mindful

Offers children’s programmes to help them to recognise emotions, respond skillfully and use simple tools and habits to help them take ownership of their wellbeing through mindful workshops and evidence-based programmes. A free programme for parents/carers to give them simple yet powerful/effective strategies to help manage stress and build emotional resilience by giving them more knowledge. Catering pupils from early years to secondary.


T: 0800 197 8804


The Warm Homes Healthy People grant provides free independent energy advice for those living in the Bradford District area.

They can:
- Support and advice on energy bills
- Help with debt and benefits checks
- Install small energy efficiency measures
Schools are advised to go to the website to see the eligibility criteria and make a referral.



The Story Project

Teaching young pupils, the importance of literature through stories whilst helping schools to deliver meaningful and impactful emotional literacy outcomes. Provides teachers with resources to achieve meaningful PSHE outcomes- this also allows children to indulge and find their place whilst equally inspiring the next generation to learn and practise wellbeing skills, making healthier choices for themselves and others, now and into adulthood. Available for key stage 1 & 2.

The Story Project Bradford
(Free for eligible schools)
Access to training, books and evidence-based lesson plans based around diverse, engaging and popular children's books that cover all the skills children need to learn related to wellbeing.

T: 07743234700

Move & Learn

Move & Learn training programmes aim to support teachers in finding purposeful & manageable ways to integrate movement into their lessons & across the school day.

Move & Learn Training

-Initial Teacher Training: 2x half day sessions (in person/online).
-Locality Middle Leader Training: 3x half day sessions (middle leader)
-Whole School Staff Training: 2x 1-hour sessions for all school staff.
-Bespoke Training: Suitable for SEND leaders.

Prices on request based on location, context and numbers involved.



Online school uniform marketplace, where parents and PTAs can buy, sell, give away and recycle outgrown school uniform.


Zarach is a charity committed to helping vulnerable children and families living in poverty. Schools in Bradford can make referrals to provide eligible families in need with new beds.

(Funding dependent)


OPAL is an award-winning, mentor supported school improvement programme that addresses all the areas that schools must plan for if they want to strategically and sustainably improve the quality of their play opportunities.

The programme embeds play into the school’s policies and practices and establishes clear guiding principles and strategies for initiating lasting changes at playtimes.

For more information visit the website below.

Unicefs Uk's Rights Respecting School Award

 Providing training, lesson plans, guidance and, when a school is ready, an assessment by one of our child rights professionals.
Our bespoke resources help teachers to talk to children of all ages about the big issues facing the world today, from the refugee crisis to climate change.
There are three stages to the Rights Respecting Schools Award. Its transformative and rigorous approach means the journey to the highest stage can take up to four years.

Empathy Studios

Offering a whole-school, age-differentiated programme that uses the power of film, resources and action projects to build the skill of empathy in students aged 5-18.

Including resources have been crafted to provide maximum impact, help reduce workload and equip young people with human skills to support them personally - and prepare them for the fast-changing future of work.

To find out more about how your school can get involved please visit the website below.

Local Democracy Workshops

Living Well Schools, in collaboration with Child Friendly Bradford, are offering schools to join us for a free, fun and interactive Local Democracy Workshop at City Hall.

Your pupils will get the opportunity to learn about how decisions are made in our city, meet local councillors, and share their ideas on how to improve the community. It’s a great way to develop civic awareness and gain better understanding of how democracy works beyond the school gates and how everyone’s voice matters.

If you are interested, please email:

Body Happy Schools

Advocates for body positivity from a young age. Helps build a supportive environment for all children and body types, educating them on positive body esteem, inclusion and body respect aiding wellbeing. Bullying is a result of low esteem, Body Happy Org advocates to not change our children but to change the culture around negative body stigma. Offered to EYFS to Key stage 4, via student sessions delivered by trained professionals.

Student Sessions – 3-18 Introduce students to core concepts to cement a culture of positive body esteem. In person or online.
Professional Development Workshops
Body image teaching resources

(cost attached)

T: 020 33897965

Citizens UK

Citizens UK supports students to become leaders and build strong relationships with families and neighbouring organisations. It is a way for schools and colleges to address issues beyond their gates as well as issues which have a direct impact on the well-being of their young people and families. Using Community Organising, students, teachers and parents can work together to drive community-led solutions to big and small problems, that work for everyone.

Children and Families Living Well Service

The Children and Families Living Well Service accept referrals for children aged 2-19 who are above a healthy weight.

The service can support families to identify changes that will help the whole family work toward goals including:
• Eating well
• Moving well
• Sleeping well
• Feeling mentally well

How to access the service: GP Referral, Self-Referral, Non-Health Care Referrals e.g. schools

Click here to email the service or call: 01274 435 660.


FixOurFood in Schools Network

FixOurFood in Schools is part of the FixOurFood research project, working to transform the Yorkshire food system to provide healthy, sustainable and tasty food for children with less harm to our planet. If you are a primary school based in Yorkshire, please join us!

By completing the FixOurFood School Survey, you will automatically become part of our Yorkshire based Schools Network.

This gives you free access to:
• Data to compare your school’s approach to food compared with others in your area
• Free resources and ideas to support teaching about food in schools
• Notification about national and regional food initiatives
• Opportunities for school trips, to engage with farmers and other events
• Chances to win prizes for your school

If you have any questions please email:


Veg Power

Our mission is to inspire kids to love vegetables and to share that joy with their parents today and their own children tomorrow.

Aiming to lead to an increase in nutrition education in children, families, and teachers and subsequently increased vegetable intake.

Our campaigns to get involved in:
Eat Them to Defeat Them
(whole school - community sponsor)
Growing to Love
(classroom - community sponsor)
Eat The Rainbow
(classroom/HAF - cost)
Simply Veg
(parents/carers - free)

Food for Life

An awards programme using the ‘whole school approach’ to nourish your school. We give you all you need to get your pupils growing, cooking and connected to nature. It’s not making more work; it’s about using food and growing to enrich your existing curriculum. You’ll meet School Food Standards and involve pupils to transform their lunchtimes.

Our programme supports schools to:
• improve the health, wellbeing and motivation of pupils and staff
• encourage pupils to take part in enrichment activities
• enable children to feel empowered to make their own choices to improve wellbeing
• connect with parents and your local community

Food for Life Schools Award
(whole school - cost attached)
Food for Life Resources
(classroom - free)

International Mixed Ability Sport (IMAS)

IMAS aim to bring people of all abilities together to play sports and learn from each other, giving everyone the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

IMAS educators with lived experience of disability co-produce and co-deliver accessible training and resources, sharing their learning and experiences.


Play Streets

A Play Street is a road that has been temporarily closed to through traffic to create space for children to play out.

Play Street sessions also provide a great chance to bring neighbours together to get to know each other better and bring a real sense of community spirit to the street.

For more information register your school’s interest by visiting the website below.

Bradford City Football Club

Premier League Primary Stars is a programme aimed at inspiring young children to learn, be active and develop important life skills.

This is done through the availability of completely free curriculum-linked teaching resources which support English, Maths, PSHE and PE.

Tel: 01274 706850

Living Well Schools - Poverty Awareness Training

An hour training session covering the Bradford context of poverty and how poverty impacts education and health.

The intended outcome is to increase understanding of the impact that poverty has on the school day and consider changes your school can make to reduce its impact.




A programme tailored for children, schools & families to help children build their resilience. Combining the latest research, science and technology to help children develop lifelong habits and learn to thrive whilst preparing them for todays world. Equipping children with the knowledge, skills and tools to thrive. To aid emotional intelligence and good lifelong habits. My Happy Minds is designated for early years to yr6. Staff wellbeing programme and a Parent App too to promote inclusivity.

T: 07403 881886


A team of technologists and teachers dedicated to helping schools deliver a healthier, more active and more fulfilling curriculum for every child.

Offering the only wearable activity tracker for schools, Moki Bands keep track of steps and active minutes, offering an exciting new way to engage students.

Email, call or chat online by visiting the website.

Dance United Yorkshire

Dance United Yorkshire positively changes the lives of marginalised and hard-to-reach people through high-quality dance training and performance.

Create and deliver bespoke dance projects and interventions to meet the needs of different groups of people who are struggling with difficult life circumstances.

Tel: +44 (0)1274 649404

Living Well Schools Playtime Toolkit

The Living Well Schools Playtime Toolkit is a CPD opportunity for staff and pupils to increase their confidence to encourage and facilitate physical activity at break times and lunch times.

The toolkit aims to embed low resource opportunities for children to increase their confidence and leadership skills and widen their participation in physical activity outside of curriculum time.

To find out more about how your school can get involved please email to express your interest.


NourishEd | School Health UK is an online nutrition certification for schools that formally qualifies educators to promote healthier eating habits and improve school health and well-being.

It enhances academic performance and prepares educators to lead nutrition initiatives, support policy, plan menus, and conduct educational workshops as certified School Nutrition Specialists.

We're proud that our NourishEd course is recognised and certified by The Association for Nutrition (AfN).

This ensures that the content meets the standard for awarding an AfN Certificate in Nutrition Education, giving you confidence in the quality and credibility of the programme.

(Cost attached)

School Health UK

We're proud to have supported hundreds of schools and helped them to achieve a Better Lunchtimes Kitemark of approval to really shout about.

The Better Lunchtimes Project supports schools to transform their lunchtimes and benefit from a more calm, happier and organised lunchtime for your school community and brought to you by experts.

We'll work with you to create a fully bespoke strategy, unique to your school. We'll also help you and your team to implement tools to create a happier and healthier lunchtime for pupils and staff. It's a win-win!

The Better Lunchtimes Project
(cost attached)
Better Lunchtime Checklist

The Venturists

The Venturists is a social action project and aligns with Ofsted’s guidelines to create change in schools or communities. Young people will benefit from developing a wide range of skills including increasing confidence, life skills, and ambition as well as having an active role in creating positive change in their community.

Young people set up a social action programme. It includes approximately 26 hours of delivery which includes workbooks, lessons plans, teacher guidance and videos linking to the National Curriculum.

9-11 years

(cost attached)

School Food Matters

A fully funded food education programme to schools. Teaching children about food and to improve children’s access to healthy, sustainable food during their time at school.

Our experience delivering these programmes informs and strengthens our campaigns, bringing the voices of children, parents and teachers to government policy.

(Funding dependent)

Children's University

The Children's University program is a partnership between schools and the University of Bradford. It encourages children to participate in extra-curricular activities providing new learning opportunities. Children get an online log to monitor their activities.

7-12 years


(cost attached)

Smart School Council

Elevate leadership, debate, and oracy skills across your entire school with our pioneering pupil voice programme. With a selection of over 2,000 topics and five new engaging questions every week—including a significant pupil-led debate—our platform is designed to captivate and empower every student. Whether you aim to enhance your Student Council or foster student-led initiatives, our intuitive software and straightforward guide streamline the process.

The Linking Network

The Linking Network inspires and equips schools to support children and young people to build meaningful connections across all forms of difference. Sharing of time and experiences with people from different backgrounds. This might be socioeconomic background, nationality, faith or belief, age or other differentiating characteristics.

Our work at The Linking Network is rooted in research around intergroup contact. ‘Linking’ provides opportunities for meaningful positive social contact.

(annual subscription for resources)

Kanga Sports

Kanga Sports aims to engage, inspire and spark a passion for sport in children of all ages.

Providers of high-quality physical education and performing arts, continually diversifying to offer activities that will appeal to children with all interests to ensure every child is engaged and enjoying some form of physical activity.

-Building Confidence in Delivering P.E (Staff CPD)
-Maths On The Move
-English On The Move
-Kanga Swim
-Kanga Forest


Children North East

Children North East is a large children's charity based in the North East of England which supports children reaching their full potential.

Poverty Proofing© – helping schools understand the barriers children living in poverty face when engaging fully with school life and its opportunities. It uses the voice of teachers, pupils and families and gives recommended actions to make school more equal.

Tel: 0191 256 2444

(cost attached)

Sals Shoes

School uniform costs put a huge pressure on families, this includes the cost of shoes.
Sals Shoes provides schools with a bank of shoes to support children and families, however, this initiative is dependent on funding. Schools contact the organisation via email and funding permitting they will send the shoes to your school.

(Funding dependent)

Connect PSHE

Connect PSHE is a children's well-being curriculum that covers all of the DfE statutory requirements for PSHE curricula for the primary phase of education. Developed by an expert team of educationalists and child psychologists and is based on an evidence-based well-being model called DNA-V and the well-known Six Ways to Well-being:
Connecting with others, challenging oneself, giving to others, exercising, embracing the moment and self-care.

T: Book a call — Connect PSHE (

Royal Opera House

The Royal Ballet & Opera House School’s Programme aims to inspire creativity through dance with free award-winning teacher CPD, curriculum-based resources and live lessons for primary and secondary students.

Tel: +44 (0)20 7304 4000


Welbee provides multi award winning support to schools to systematically improve staff wellbeing, to deliver higher staff retention, lower absences, lower costs, and improved student outcomes. A survey toolkit is used to assess and monitor the wellbeing of staff to ensure quality in teaching and wellbeing practice.

The Welbee Way is a unique 3-step approach that delivers a financial return on your investment:

1. Measure & Track Staff Wellbeing
2. Analysis provided with recommended actions
3. Embed into your culture with ongoing support

T: 01277 554001

Trees for Cities

Trees for Cities is the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities and towns. We get stuck in with local communities to cultivate lasting change in their neighbourhoods – whether it’s revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or getting people excited about growing, foraging and eating healthy food.

T: 020 7587 1320

HALE - Young People’s Social Prescribing Service

Health Action Local Engagement specialises in providing outreach programmes, activities and education to the most vulnerable in our communities. Main topic of area is mental and physical health. Hale uses creative approaches to build positive relationships, support needs, confidence, health and well-being. Teaches self-care and work with people of all ages and has a social prescribing for pupils 9-19.
If you are in a school, college, or alternative education setting, you can refer a child by following this link -

T: 01274 271088


Tagtiv8 provides educational resources and training that develop confidence in key areas of the curriculum through physical activity.

A range of physically active learning (PAL) games with a multitude of benefits delivered in person or online.

-Active Learning (Mathematics)
-Active Learning (English)
-Active Learning Training, CPD and Support

For more information on pricing please contact via phone or email or by visiting the website below.

Tel: +44 20 3370 4272
Tel: +44 7506 523354

Inn Churches

Aims to empower, educate and inspire people to cook great tasting healthy food for themselves and their families, helping them to understand:
• healthy eating
• food safety in the kitchen
• a range of different cooking methods
• how to improve cooking skills

Cooking Hub – 4-15
Courses and workshops in schools or in our own facilities for parents, families, children and teachers, anybody deliver fun and friendly classes using delicious Ministry of Food recipes.

Tel: 07712 659231


Magic Breakfast

Magic Breakfast supports and supplements schools to run a universal, barrier and stigma free breakfast provision. Aim to end child morning hunger and ensure no child starts the day too hungry to learn.

Breakfast Provision
Provide and deliver food that meets school food standards, as well as offering support and guidance to optimise the breakfast provision.

Expression of Interest Form


(Free - Criteria above 35% Pupil Premium, limited places each year)

Healthy Minds - Services Directory for Schools

This aims to make it easier to identify tools, resources and services to support the children and young people in your settings. This is the first in a series of documents which will be developed in collaboration with schools, children and young people, and partners over the coming months.

Support for individuals from black and ethnic minority communities dealing with mental distress (Free)

Provided by: Sharing Voice Bradford

Sharing Voices Bradford is a community development mental health organisation actively supporting and working with diverse minority communities of Bradford. Sharing Voices delivers a range of service for younger people from 13-24 years of age. We actively work within schools, colleges and universities to provide advice and consultancy, group sessions and also one to one support for younger people.


Specialist Independent Sexual Violence Support (Free)

Provided by: Bradford Rape Crisis

Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service offers a Specialist Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) for Girls & Young women, providing advocacy & support including throughout the criminal justice process.

Tel: 0800 448 0710


Speak Out! Promoting Values of Equality, Democracy and Human Rights (Free)

Provided by: Remembering Srebrenica/Bradford Council

Speak Out! is an education programme for secondary pupils that promotes the values of equality, democracy and human rights, and explores ways in which young people can use their voices constructively for society.

The programme uses a discussion based approach and an element of peer education to explore issues such as harassment, discrimination, and political extremism. The aim is to develop young peoples’ critical thinking skills and empathy in the face of divisive narratives, peer pressure and harmful social norms.

The programmes contains various options which can be purchased together or separately. They are:

- Workshops for Key Stage 3 classes on sexual harassment, democracy and making change, or propaganda and critical thinking.

- Training for peer educators on the Remembering Srebrenica exhibition, including the loan of the exhibition for up to two weeks.

- A new educational film produced by the University of Bradford which supports the exhibition.

- Pupil voice development work.

- A free whole school assembly.


Sexual Violence Support for Girls and Young Women (Free)

Provided by: Bradford Rape Crisis

Specialist sexual violence support for girls and young women in secondary school or college – no pre-set number of sessions or time limits. For girls and young women presenting with a range of complexity including those more vulnerable and at risk of sexual abuse. Individual referrals will be based on clinical and risk assessment, their capacity to give informed consent and their decision about whether they want a service from BRC&SASS.

Experienced, qualified Rape Crisis workers offer flexible weekly one to one support for girls and young women who have disclosed sexual violence of any type at any time in their lives. This includes text, WhatsApp, phone and face to face sessions which can be provided at school, at our Centre and on line. Additional services include counselling, help line and Jyoti services for Black, Asian & Minoritised women & girls.

On line referral form here: Referral form

You can call our help line to discuss potential referrals: 0800 448 0710


Sexual Health Services for Young People (Free)

Provided by: NHS/Locala

The link below provides information about finding contraception, testing for sexually transmitted infections and advice if someone thinks they might be pregnant.

Sexual Health Services-Bradford Council

Click below if needing information to signpost an under 18 person to sexual health services/STI checking/sexual health information in Bradford.

Sexual health services information


Sustrans help young people to travel actively and safely to school or to college.

They offer a programme of activities that can help schools increase physical activity, reduce congestion and improve safety around the school.

-School Streets
-Big Street Survey
-Big Walk & Wheel

Tel: 0300 303 2604

Step 2 - RSE training and workshops for staff


Step 2 have an established CPD programme offering workshops to professionals. Topics include: Mental Health and Young People – a different approach; Young People and the Online World; Domestic Abuse and the impact on Young People; CSE & Grooming; The impact of Pornography on Young People; Relationships and Sexual Education; Sexual Health and Contraception.

The delivery team for the RSE programme also have a package of training to offer to staff to help them to gain the confidence and knowledge to deliver the RSE programme. Sessions include answering difficult questions, using appropriate language and can relate to any of the subject areas required by the DFE.

Step 2 have several programmes which can be delivered to small groups, often in single gender groups, which can address issues that arise in schools or are identified in RSE lessons.

Step 2 also offer a clinical supervision service for safeguarding leads, pastoral staff and others who deal with the mental health issues of young people on a regular basis. This service will help to support and safeguard the challenging work they do.

Step 2 Young People’s Health – YouTube

Tel: 01274 683118

RSE Health Education Programme (Free)

Provided by: JAMES, Hale and Step 2

In March 2021, we announced our partnership with HALE and JAMES to provide a new and updated formula for Bradford schools to deliver their Relationships, Sex and Health Education. As a part of this programme, the partner organisations have employed a qualified teacher and specialist youth workers to deliver the programme to Bradford Secondary schools, in line with DFE guidelines. We can tailor our programme to the needs of the schools and their students. The programme includes sessions on identity and values, boundaries, gender and sexuality, consent and peer pressure, teenage relationship abuse, sexual health and contraception and pornography.

Step 2 Young People’s Health – YouTube

Tel: 01274 683118

Action for Sport

Action For Sport is a national charity dedicated to ensuring that everyone can participate in sport.

The charity aims to promote sport, remove barriers and protect the environment.
They are determined to prevent poverty being a barrier to children and young people playing sport. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate, and poverty should never be a barrier.


Kindness, Compassion and Understanding (KCU) (Free)

Provided by: Healthy Mind Apprentices

Young people from Bradford, Craven and Calderdale have created an exciting movement aimed at addressing issues around inequality, discrimination, loneliness, poverty and prejudice that impact on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in the area.

Their campaign, titled Kindness, Compassion and Understanding (KCU), aims to inspire people to make a conscious effort to promote kindness and empathy to friends, family, peers and people within their community – in short, an anti-bullying campaign with a difference.

For more information please email.


Free Sexual Violence Prevention Workshops (Free)

Provided by: Bradford Rape Crisis

Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service offers participatory, age-appropriate, evidence-based workshops by Specialist sexual violence prevention facilitators:

• Create safe and supportive classroom spaces.
• Increase students’ understanding of gender stereotypes (processes and impacts.)
• Support young people to develop their critical thinking skills and media literacy.
• Increase understandings of consent and how to seek, give and not give consent.
• Enable students to recognise different kinds of abuse.
• Encourage students to challenge sexism and sexual bullying amongst their peers where possible.
• Help students to develop skills for healthy relationships.
• Ensure students know where they can seek help.

Tel: 0800 448 0710

Senior Mental Health Lead Training

Bradford Educational Psychology Team

Fully-funded training for senior mental health leads in schools and FE colleges in England.

The course has a strong emphasis on psychological theories, models and the practical aspects of managing the process of change, alongside providing information on evidence based whole school approaches that can be used as a foundation to your whole school approach.

(Fully funded)*


Free Online Counselling For Young People (Free)

Provided by: Kooth

Kooth is a free, safe and an anonymous mental health and wellbeing online service available for young people aged 10-18 across Bradford and the Bradford districts. Young people simply need to visit Kooth and sign up to join our community. There are no waiting lists, no referrals and no problem is too big or too small for the team at Kooth.

Whether young people are looking for advice or simply aren’t feeling their best Kooth offers a range of features and tools to support.

- Chat with our professional team of counsellors and wellbeing practitioners. Our team are available 365 days a year, midday to 10pm Monday to Friday and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends.
- Magazine – A place where young people can read and contribute helpful articles, personal experiences and tips from other young people.
- Moderated Discussion Boards – Young people can start or join a conversation with our friendly Kooth community about what is on their mind in a safe way.
- Personal tools – Journals, goal setting tools and mini activities to help young people feel good and track progress.
- Accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Free Asthma and Anaphylaxis E-Learning Training (Free)

Provided by: Asthma and Anaphylaxis UK

Asthma and Anaphylaxis awareness training

From September 2019 we are offering a revised free of charge training offer to schools, as outlined below:

All school staff will be offered online training in the form of an Asthma and Anaphylaxis UK e-learning resource, which can be completed by all school staff.

These changes to our training offer will ensure that every member of school staff, including supply staff, catering staff, lunchtime supervisors, out of school facilities, caretaker etc, can receive this potentially lifesaving information. The e-learning can be completed when convenient, at individuals’ own pace, and can be revisited if not completed in one session.

Schools will be asked to confirm compliance with maintaining an asthma register and that children and young people in school have an asthma/allergy action plan. This is part of the work for schools obtaining asthma friendly status.

Asthma E-learning Module
Anaphylactic E-learning Module

Please note, trainer adrenaline auto injectors (AAI) can be obtained from the following websites:

Facilitated Girls Groups (Free)

Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service
Keighley central, Keighley east, Keighley west

Bradford Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Survivors Service offer facilitated girls groups for 14 – 18 year old girls in the Bradford and Keighley area who have experienced sexual violence or abuse, or you or your colleagues have concerns about.

Individual referrals will be based on clinical and risk assessment, their capacity to give informed consent and their decision about whether they want a service from BRC&SASS.

Tel: 0800 448 0710

Domestic Abuse Support for Parents and Children (Free)

Provided by: JAMES

JAMES is currently offering a project to support parents or young people that have previously experienced some domestic abuse or domestic violence. This can be one to one phone support, face to face support, small groups of support to children in school or activities away from school.

Tel: 07973101834

Creating Active Schools

Creating Active Schools is a research based whole school behaviour change approach to increasing and improving physical activity in schools.

The CAS Framework supports schools to embed physical activity in policies, systems, behaviours and environments.

CAS Profile Toolkit – Provide a summary overview of the current practice and provision of a school in relation to physical activity.

For further information on how your school can get involved please email us directly at

LGBT+ Youth Groups: Yorkshire MESMAC

Yorkshire MESMAC

LGBT+ youth groups are a great place to meet and socialise with other young people in a safe environment. Yorkshire MESMAC LGBT+ groups can:
- Talk in confidence about sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual health, as well as issues such as homophobic bullying and hate crime.
- Provide information and free safer sex resources (such as condoms and lube).
- Signpost to other appropriate services if necessary.

Follow the link below to find out more and sign up.

Bradford Encouraging Exercise in People (BEEP) (Free)

Bradford Encouraging Exercise in People (BEEP) is a free physical activity referral service that encourages people who are inactive, to become more active.

A 52-week bespoke exercise training programme which is created specifically for an individuals’ needs and goals.

How to access the service: GP or Healthcare Professional referral.

Find more information by visiting the website below.

Asthma Friendly Schools Initiative - Video Introduction


Dr Katherine Hickman, respiratory specialist and lead GP for asthma in children and young people in Bradford outlines what the Asthma Friendly Schools Initiative is, and how it will help your school feel confident supporting all pupils with asthma during their day to day lives and in the event of an asthma crisis.
