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Asthma Friendly Schools

West Yorkshire’s Asthma Friendly School initiative aims to improve the care of pupils with asthma by raising awareness of this common long-term medical condition and providing information, training, and support for pupils, parents/carers, and school staff.

Benefits of becoming an Asthma Friendly School:

  • Improved asthma awareness and management in schools
  • Improved support to pupils with asthma encouraging an inclusive environment
  • Additional support for the health, safety, and wellbeing of pupils
  • Ensures the school is implementing current and best practice asthma management strategies
  • Enables the school to promote its self-evaluated status to ensure that the community is aware of the school’s commitment to asthma friendly strategies

Contact the Living Well Schools Team so they can talk you through the process.

Or follow the eight-step process: Click here

For more information: Click here 

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