Recruitment flyer_Bradford_E Curtin study
Get involved in a Workplace Health Study
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) are researching how smartphone apps can help people develop healthier and more sustainable eating habits. The study is led by Esther Curtin, a PhD researcher funded by the National Institute for Health & Care Research School for Public Health Research.
We are looking for workplaces in England to take part in a pilot trial of a smartphone app called “See Yourself Differently” (syd). This app aims to promote general health and wellbeing, and more information is available on their website. The trial will run for eight weeks, and we are looking to recruit a total of 99 people.
Why take part?
Taking part in the study can support employee health and well-being, helping your employees build better eating. This can boost their energy and productivity. Moreover, participation could contribute to reaching sustainability goals. Access to the app is free and those taking part will have lifetime access after the study ends.
What is expected from us?
Participants will use the app and explore its recipes and food education features. We will collect simple survey data on demographics and food choices at the start and end of the study. Each survey will take about 25 minutes to complete. A small number of participants will be invited to short voluntary interviews to talk about their experiences.
How can we take part?
We will provide easy-to-share recruitment materials to help you invite your colleagues to sign up.
Sign up by clicking here or scan the QR code show on the left.
If you have questions and would like to arrange a call, please get in touch with the lead
researcher, Esther Curtin at