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What we do:

A key focus of Living Well Schools is to support schools in identifying and addressing the impacts of poverty on the school day. This approach aims to mitigate the impacts of social inequality on health and education, ensuring that all children, regardless of socio-economic background, have equal opportunities to succeed. By identifying and removing barriers related to poverty, Living Well Schools helps to create a more inclusive and supportive school environment, making it possible for every child to access the resources and support they need.

How we do it: 

Living Well Schools have created a set of toolkits to support senior leaders in identifying and removing barriers related to poverty across the school day. The toolkits were designed in response to audits that were delivered by Children North East in local Bradford schools.

The toolkits offer guidance across all elements of the school day, whether that is to ensure all children can fairly access school uniform, parents are aware of financial aid available and celebrations are inclusive.

Living Well Schools aims to mitigate the adverse effects of social inequality on health and education, ensuring that all children, irrespective of socioeconomic background, have equitable opportunities to succeed.

Poverty School Toolkits

Addressing Poverty Through Pupil Voice In Schools

Addressing Poverty by Supporting Parents and Families in Schools

Addressing Poverty Through School Food

Addressing Poverty Through School Uniform

Addressing Poverty Through Action on Homework

Addressing Poverty Through Action on Bullying in School

Addressing Poverty Through Action on Curriculum and Ability Groups

Addressing Poverty Through Additional Opportunities in School

Accessibility – To read any of the Poverty Toolkits in a “Word” document format please contact:

Why we do it:

Living Well Schools is directly aligned to the goals of the
Anti-Poverty Strategy 2022-2027.

The 4 core goals of the strategy aim to:

1. Protect people in poverty
2. Prevent people falling into poverty or falling further into poverty
3. Provide pathways out of poverty
4. Ensure those in poverty can participate in the full social, political, economic and cultural life of their communities.

Living Well Schools will help schools to give children “a great start and great education”. Reducing poverty and its impact on health inequalities across the district remains a key priority for Bradford Council.

© 2023. Provided by Impact on Urban Health licensed via a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.