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Join the 20 Minute Movement!

What is the 20 Minute Movement?

It’s a physical activity campaign led by Living Well, a partnership between Bradford Council and the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership who want to make it easier for everyone in Bradford district to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to be healthy. It helps to improve both mental and physical health and can be done by pretty much anyone and it’s never too late to start!

It’s not about expensive gyms or fancy trainers; it’s about the simple things, day to day, that we can do to be healthier and happier.

We would like schools to encourage all their staff to get involved and their pupils too!

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NHS guidelines recommend children between the age of 5 and 18 should aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day across the week. The 20 Minute Movement encourages pupils to split this amount up into three manageable bouts of 20 minutes.

You can find more info about physical activity guidelines here.

We are offering a range of free tools, resources and incentives to help schools incorporate new ways for their pupils to be active throughout the school day, at break times and during lessons by breaking up long periods of not moving with some activity.

You can sign up for these free resources here.

You can find out more about the 20 Minute Movement on our main website here.

You can download lots of completely FREE digital resources here.

Walk to School Week 

Walk to school week, which was an integral part of the 20 Minute Movement campaign in May, was a great success with 34 primary schools in the district taking part.

We asked parents, and carers where possible to take an active way of travel to school every day. We also asked parents, and carers that usually drive their children to school, who can’t walk the whole journey for a variety of reasons, to consider joining in by parking a little further away and maybe walking at least some of the way.

Walking, cycling and scooting to school are great ways for children to start the day and energises them ready for a day at school.

Watch this short film to see some of the benefits yourself and become inspired to take a more active way of travel to school!

There’s lots of information and ideas for ways to join in the 20 Minute Movement along with a new interactive search portal on the Living Well website to find options near you to move more. You will soon feel the benefits of being more active every day and will improve your physical and also mental wellbeing.

To find the portal along with lots of ideas hints and tips to be more active visit our main website here.

You can also stay up to date by signing up to Living Well newsletters here.

Or follow us on social media: @MyLivingWell1

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