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Free Schools e-learning Type 1 Diabetes

Take our free e-learning module for schools to learn more about supporting pupils with type 1 diabetes in educational settings. Free to register and CPD-certified
Both courses are available FREE of charge, and take about an hour to complete and are CPD certified.
On successful completion learners can download and print a certificate.

Young Epilepsy Training

Gain a better understanding of the impact epilepsy can have on a young person’s ability to learn, their psychological, social and emotional wellbeing. Epilepsy awareness for schools This course provides valuable information about how primary, secondary or special schools can support pupils with epilepsy. It is suitable for all school staff as part of their CPD.

Healthy Lunch Boxes

A well balanced healthy lunch box provides kids with all the energy and brain power they need for a busy day at nursery or school. Here are some ideas to help you create a healthy lunchbox for your family and avoid waste.

Guidance: Period product scheme for schools and colleges

The period product scheme provides free period products to girls and women in their place of study. The scheme is available for organisations to order until at least July 2024. The scheme is available to all:
state-maintained primary schools with year 5 pupils and above
state-maintained secondary schools
state-maintained special schools and non-maintained special schools
alternative provisions, including pupil referral units, with pupils or students in year 5 and above

Asthma Friendly Schools

Introducing the Asthma Friendly Schools initiative, a comprehensive programme to create a safe and supportive environment for pupils with asthma. This initiative focuses on eight simple steps to ensure schools are equipped to manage asthma-related issues effectively. By implementing strategies such as asthma education for staff and students, and having emergency, inhalers, and action plans in place, schools can significantly reduce the impact of asthma on students' well-being and attendance. With proper training and support, schools can easily integrate these measures into their existing policies and practices, fostering a healthier and more inclusive learning environment. We know how busy everybody is so why not pick just one of the steps and start to explore? We are here to support you.

Play Their Way

Child-first Coaching Resources for Voice, Choice and Journey

Build your coaching toolkit: supporting children and young people to have a voice, choice and ownership over their journey in sport and physical activity.

Vaping Education for Schools – Step 2

Step 2 offers workshops to schools for staff and young people to increase their understanding of vaping.

Workshops will look at topics including:

The reason people might choose to vape
Potential consequences and the impact of vaping
Marketing techniques used by vaping companies and how they target young people
For more information or to book a session, please get in touch with Liz Robinson –

Chefs in Schools

Chefs in Schools are a charity on a mission to transform the health of the next generation through school food: plate by plate, class by class, school by school. They do this through supporting schools and school kitchen teams to transform the food they are serving and improve the food education in their schools.

The charity has resources and toolkits available for schools to access. One is shaped by their work co-creating the Hackney School of Food, and guides schools through the process of creating food education projects. Another was created in response to Universal Free School Meal rollouts in London to primary schools and is a great resource to help schools meet increased meal uptake and find efficiencies in the kitchen for schools with an in-house kitchen team.

Online Safety Teaching Resources

Online safety teaching resources
Teaching online safety in schools is more vital than ever. We have designed our online safety teaching resources to help educators guide children and parents to stay safe online in their daily lives.

Guidance from The Department for Education (DfE) outlines online safety guidelines for all schools. This guidance provides internet safety for students across all subject areas to create a whole-school approach to teaching online safety.

You can use our online safety teaching resources in the classroom to help encourage pupils to take ownership of their digital safety.

Safety of women and girls

This page is a ‘one-stop-shop’ dedicated to fostering a safe environment for women and girls, using a range of valuable tools and information tailored for schools, young people, governors, Senior Leadership Teams, parents and carers. The page is updated on regular basis with new content.

Give Up Loving Pop

Give Up Loving Pop is a campaign from Food Active, which aims to raise awareness of the health harms associated with consuming too many sugary drinks, and promote milk and water as the best sources of hydration.
As part of the campaign, a range of free resources are available for schools to use to promote these messages to Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils including assemblies, activities, games, posters and policy toolkits.

Anna Freud Mentally Healthy Schools

Mentally Healthy Schools brings together quality-assured mental health resources, information & advice for schools and further education settings in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

20 Minute Movement Toolkit

The 20 Minute Movement is designed to motivate, encourage and inspire fun ways to be active, live well and be happy! This toolkit contains everything you will need to support the 20 Minute Movement.

Stonewall: Free Best Practice Toolkits and Resources

Stonewall is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights charity in the United Kingdom. For free resources to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in education environments and help create more inclusive spaces.

Unicef – In Search of Safety. Explaining the Refugee and Migrant Crisis

This resource aims to allow teachers to help their students – primary (age seven upwards) and secondary – make sense of the current refugee and migrant crisis in Europe, within a children’s rights framework. A range of films, images and information is provided to help you explore this topic with children and to bring the activities in this resource to life.

Getting started with a trauma informed approach in schools

A short video clip on the from Edutopia, their description detailing that when teachers use strategies tailored to children who have experienced trauma, all students reap the emotional and academic benefits.

Government Resources for School Food Standards

Department for Education: Resources to help schools plan and provide healthy food in schools.

Healthy schools rating scheme

The healthy schools rating scheme has been designed to recognise and encourage schools’ contributions to pupils’ health and wellbeing. It celebrates the positive actions
that schools are delivering in terms of healthy eating and physical activity, and aims to help schools identify useful next steps in their provision.

The scheme is part of a wider series of government actions to support pupils’ health and wellbeing, and is a commitment from the government’s Childhood Obesity Plan.
This voluntary scheme is available for both primary and secondary schools. Schools will complete a self-assessment and then receive a rating based on their responses around
food education, compliance with the school food standards, time spent on physical education and the promotion of active travel.

Mental health crisis toolkit

The Crisis Tools learning sits on a new publicly open website - and are presented in video and text format with accompanying downloadable guides. The four Crisis Tools learning content covers:

1. What we need you to know? - outlines key challenges and strategies that individuals need to know before they begin their interaction with a young person in crisis.
2. How to start the conversation. – features practical tips to help set up for success and build trust when supporting a young person in-person, over the phone or online.
3. So you want to talk about risk? – explores the risk conversation from a young person’s perspective, including how to get the conversation back on track when things go wrong and practical approaches.
4. How to wrap things up. – covers key tips and strategies to help end a conversation in a collaborative way that feels safe for everyone.

Who is the resource for?
The learning resource can be used by:

• mental health staff who may encounter young people in a crisis, this will include a multi-disciplinary staff group incl. non-clinical roles
• individuals working in other health and care settings such as primary care, urgent and emergency care
• individuals working in emergency response settings
• individuals working in any education settings
• students and learners who will work and are working with young people

School Food Matters

School Food Matters exists to teach children about food and to improve children’s access to healthy, sustainable food during their time at school.

Change4life healthier lunchboxes

Get loads of easy-to-prepare ideas your kids will love, as well as tips on what else to put in their lunchbox.


Our programme is about making good food the easy choice for everyone – making healthy, tasty and sustainable meals the norm for all to enjoy, reconnecting people with where their food comes from, teaching them how it’s grown and cooked, and championing the importance of well-sourced ingredients.

We work with schools and nurseries, helping them build knowledge and skills. This engages children and parents, staff, patients and visitors, caterers, carers and the wider community to create a powerful voice for long-term change.

An enhanced version of our evidence-based programme is available for commissioning to support health and wellbeing priorities in your area. We are already achieving clear results in Local Authorities throughout England. Find out more about our commissions here.

Bradford forest schools

Our Mission: Bradford Forest School Network is a group of individuals and organisations with a mission is to promote to develop and promote Forest Schools in the Bradford District as an inspirational process that offers children, young people and adults regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a local woodland or natural wooded environment.


Bikeability is 'cyclist training' for the 21st century, designed to give the next generation of riders the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads.

We constantly review our 'offer' and have a suite of Bikeability training that we can offer Schools, Community Groups and members of the public.

Primary School Physical Literacy Framework

Physical Literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that provides children with the movement foundation for lifelong participation in physical activity. Enabling them to be physically literate supports their development as competent, confident and healthy movers. Healthy lives for young people

Free & confidential sexual health and wellbeing experts for young people. Offering information on: contraception; STIs; pregnancy; sex; gender; sexuality; my body; abuse; relationships; wellbeing; staying safe online and vaginas & vulvas.

A website providing inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationships information for teens and emerging adults.

Rachel Lee - Teacher – RSE
Tel: 07708636799

MindEd Hub

We aim to provide tools to enable education staff to protect and strengthen their Whole School/College’s resilience to the wellbeing and mental health impacts of Covid-19.

Education staff have a key role to play in supporting children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health. By helping children and young people acknowledge and understand how they feel, education staff can help prevent normal emotions from developing into more entrenched mental health issues. Through identifying warning signs early, they can also help ensure children and young people get the right support.

Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff

We have put together some useful links and sources of mental health support so that children and young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff can get the advice and help they need.

Education staff wellbeing charter

The education staff wellbeing charter is a declaration of support for, and set of commitments to, the wellbeing and mental health of everyone working in education.

All state funded schools and colleges are invited to familiarise themselves with the charter, and to sign up when it is available in the autumn, as a shared commitment to protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing of their staff.

It is voluntary and there is no deadline to sign up.

COVID access and support

A booklet outlining the support available across the district from a number of partners, in several areas including financial pressures, domestic abuse and mental health resources.

Cost of the School Day Toolkit by Child Poverty Action Group


This toolkit is designed to get everyone talking about The Cost of the School Day. This resource helps all members of your school community - children and young people, teachers and school staff, parents and carers – to join the discussion and have input into making Cost of the School Day changes. Every school is unique, so this toolkit ensures that every school community can form a unique plan.

Bradford People Library

Collated by Bradford People Library. Bradford’s People Library is a collection of ‘human books’ highlighting the many things we have in common as human beings, as well as celebrating our differences. Read on for inspiring stories from people born and bred or newly arrived and who live in all parts of our wonderful district. Demonstrating that there is always more to a human ‘book’ than just its cover.

Visit the website to watch the stories from people across Bradford.

Bradford For Everyone

Bradford for Everyone brings you critical thinking resources. Your school will be constantly doing lots of work on Internet Safety, and hopefully you will know how to be online in the safest way possible. Critical thinking workshops aren’t designed to be an online safety course. They are designed to help you think about the information delivered to you each day, and how to think about things from a different perspective. It’s not always about checking if something is “TRUE” or “FALSE”, as often, it’s not that straightforward. It’s about thinking what information is being presented to you, thinking about where it came from, how it makes you feel and learning to take a moment to pause and think about what you want to do with it.

Living Well Mental Wellbeing

Link to websites that give support and advice to help with children and young people's mental wellbeing

50 Things To Do Before You're Five

Tick-off 50 fantastic things for you and your child to experience together.
50 Things To Do Before You’re Five gives you 50 activities that parents and carers can support their children to try out and repeat. Each of the 50 Things have been carefully developed by education experts and early years practitioners following consultation with parents, and we’ve made sure that children with special education needs are included and that each of the 50 Things means something across our culturally diverse communities.

Skills 4 Bradford

As professionals with longstanding experience working in Education and Early Years for Bradford Council and beyond, we are able to offer a full range of comprehensive support services for all key stages of early years providers schools from Nursery through to post 16.

Our services include bespoke, tailored-made packages through to group-based training either at your school or centrally.

As we know your time is limited, this site is a one stop shop allowing you to book all support on-line, generating the necessary contract and providing instant confirmation of the support you have requested - saving you time and paperwork.

Alternatively, if you prefer, you can still speak to our teams to discuss your individual organisation's needs.

Each team has their own section on the site with the details of the team, what they can offer, pricing, contact and booking facilities. Simply click on the links above or the images on the home page.

And the added bonus is knowing that in purchasing from Skills 4 Bradford all income generated in reinvested into the District to ensure all children have a great start and good schools.

Bradford Healthy Minds Chartermark

Support and advice to guide schools through the process of self-evaluation and action planning in order to achieve chartermark status. Schools can put themselves forward for this award programme.The focus of the Bradford Healthy Minds Chartermark is to provide an opportunity for schools and settings to showcase the development of their whole school approach to emotional health and wellbeing. The outcome will ensure a school ethos of attunement, relationships and connection alongside limits, safety, structure and high expectations. The Chartermark is based on eight key principles for mental health and wellbeing as recognised by Public Health England as is the DfE Mental Health Senior Lead Training. Bradford schools undertaking the Chartermark will benefit from accessing the DfE Mental Health Senior Lead Training.

Yorkshire Sport

We are committed to providing opportunities for young people to get involved in sport and physical activity, not only as participants but also as coaches, leaders and volunteers.

In an ever changing landscape, we aim to work with and support a wide range of partners to increase opportunities for children and young people.

We support a number of projects and initiatives focused on increasing the number of young people involved in sport and physical activity.

Active Bradford Website

Now more than ever, it's important for people to keep healthy and moving!

Active Bradford is here to support those planning and delivering opportunities for people to be active, to develop new opportunities through strategic plans and programmes, to promote opportunities through campaigns and other communications and to influence decision makers on the role sport and physical activity can play in broader strategic plans.

DoH Guidance on Use of Emergency Inhalers in Schools

From 1st October 2014 the Human Medicines (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014 will allow schools to buy salbutamol inhalers, without a prescription, for use in emergencies. The emergency salbutamol inhaler should only be used by children, for whom written parental consent for use of the emergency inhaler has been given, who have either been diagnosed with asthma and prescribed an inhaler, or who have been prescribed an inhaler as reliever medication. The inhaler can be used if the pupil’s prescribed inhaler is not available (for example, because it is broken, or empty).

This change applies to all primary and secondary schools in the UK. Schools are not required to hold an inhaler – this is a discretionary power enabling schools to do this if they wish. Schools which choose to keep an emergency inhaler should establish a policy or protocol for the use of the emergency inhaler based on this guidance. Keeping an inhaler for emergency use will have many benefits. It could prevent an unnecessary and traumatic trip to hospital for a child, and potentially save their life. Parents are likely to have greater peace of mind about sending their child to school. Having a protocol that sets out how and when the inhaler should be used will also protect staff by ensuring they know what to do in the event of a child having an asthma attack.

Lesson Plans For Healthy Food Choices and Physical Activity

PHSE Association has lesson plans, slides, accompanying resources and teacher guidance covering all aspects of healthy food choices and physical activity included in the PSHE Education Programme of Study and Department for Education statutory RSHE guidance.

Oral Health Lesson Plans

Public Health England free oral health resources.

After completing these lessons, students should be able to:
KS1: Understand how sugary drinks can affect teeth; name ways to keep teeth healthy; understand that eating or drinking too much sugar causes tooth decay
KS2: Design an experiment to show how sugary drinks can affect teeth; describe ways to keep their teeth healthy; understand that eating or drinking too much sugar causes tooth decay.

School Food Matters

School Food Matters have developed a checklist for headteachers including all the things they have seen working well at schools. It includes specific actions that improve food culture in schools and increase take-up of school dinners. This checklist is designed to be printed out and pinned up in your office, in the office of your
business manager and in the school kitchen.


JU:MP is the Bradford Local Delivery Pilot, led by Active Bradford. It is a 4 year pilot programme, funded by Sport England, that aims to help children and families in North Bradford to be more active, testing and learning as we grow. Further information can be found on the website.

Daily Mile

The Daily Mile is a fully-inclusive, free and simple initiative which improves the physical and mental health and wellbeing of children. There is no extra workload for teachers. For further and information and to sign up

Yorkshire Sport Foundation

The Yorkshire Sport Foundation (YSF) have produced a helpful guide on how to build physical activity into the school day to help children move more which can be accessed here.

Yorkshire Sport Foundation - 60 minutes per day

To encourage schools and families to help children be active for 60 minutes per day, Yorkshire Sport Foundation have a poster with information and ideas. This can be placed on school notice boards or printed and distributed to parents

The School Games

The School Games aims to provide every child with a positive experience in an environment where the young person’s motivation, competence and confidence are at the centre of the competition. The toolkit is designed to support teachers of all children (i.e. primary, secondary, special and alternative provision settings) to carefully consider their part in reducing the risk of a negative experience in sports competitions. It is intended to help you to select, prepare and support more young people to have a positive experience of competition. The toolkit can be accessed on the link below.

Mentally Healthy Schools Resource Library

Mentally Healthy Schools brings together quality-assured mental health resources, information & advice for schools and further education settings in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

How To Be A Better Ally

Through examples from people who have lived experience with racism, this 5-minute video shares useful tips for school staff on supporting Black students. In this video, Black students and teachers share their experiences of racism in school and offer tips for safeguarding students.

This resource is designed for use by school staff. This video could be shown as part of a staff meeting, to generate discussion about the school's policy towards equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). It is recommended that the resource be facilitated by an experienced member of staff within the wider context of school–wide CPD or EDI policy. There should be time available for discussion and reflection after the video is shown.

Black History Resources

Mentally Healthy Schools have put together some resources around Black history. The resources shared here are split into sections for primary schools and secondary and FE settings. There is also a section sharing whole-school approach resources.

All the resources included focus on mental health themes, helping schools to explore ideas around diversity, self-belief, identity and the impact of racism on those who experience it.

Trauma-informed practice in early child development

These Programme Insights aim to collate and share the learning emerging from A Better Start (ABS) on a range of key programme outcome areas in order to inform the work of others in improving outcomes for young children.

This issue is number four in the series. It provides a summary of emerging evidence in the area of childhood trauma and adversity, and shares the learning on how ABS partnerships have embedded an awareness of the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) within their work, and how they are supporting the development of trauma informed practice, within and outside of their partnerships.

Healthy Minds Wellbeing Resources

The Healthy Minds website is a place for everyone in Bradford and Craven to access local mental health and wellbeing support services, resources and information. The Wellbeing Resources cover a range of topics and provide self-help materials to help people understand and improve their thoughts and feelings.

Moving More!

A physical activity partnership from across the Yorkshire and the Humber region is excited to announce the launch of a new resource for schools to help further integrate ‘moving more’ into regular school life.

“If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat.” UK Chief Medical Officer
This new one-minute guide will help bring to life some of the many benefits that schools could achieve through moving more and sitting less. The resource focuses on 4 key themes:

1) Academic achievement
2) Behaviour and social development
3) Sleep
4) Emotional wellbeing (mental health)

We hope that this new resource will help further the health and wellbeing of your pupils (and staff!) and support you with achieving wider school objectives.

Embracing Activity Breaks at Michael Syddall Primary School in Catterick

Michael Syddall Primary School in Catterick have been embracing physical activity and the benefits it can have on children’s lives/learning and have made several changes to the school day over the last few years. At the start of the academic year 2018/2019 they took the decision that no child should sit for longer than 20 minutes at a time throughout the school day. This was partly based on the direction the school had taken around the importance of physical activity and exercise, looking at research and evidence that backed up the assertion that physical activity improves concentration and engagement and the benefits to children’s wellbeing and enjoyment.

Parents Online

This service provides real-time emotional support to parents over a digital chat platform 6pm-9pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.

They provide text-based emotional support to parents and carers . The committed team has their own personal experience of parenting and is passionate about providing hope and understanding to fellow parents. They are there to hear concerns, and to offer a non-judgemental ear when it’s needed most.

We provide parents:
- A confidential listening service that can be used anonymously.
- Support from a fully trained worker, with their own lived experience of parenting.
- A safe space to talk openly without judgment, about anything that’s on their mind.

Fix Our Food

Fix our Food in schools network. This is a Yorkshire wide initiative, but we will be focusing on Bradford in the early stages (and is what we are linking with for the Living well in schools evaluation survey). Fix our Food in Schools provides an opportunity for primary schools to engage with a network which focuses on food for both population and planetary health - providing resources for schools, school level data to help monitoring and opportunities for children to attend events such as farm visits. We also work with schools to help them improve their whole school food environment and often seek schools to help test out new initiatives (like new indoor growing towers) or contribute to decision making/priority setting to inform policy.

Fastn Relationships and Values resource

FREE teaching resources to support RSE for secondary pupils.

These resources have been written by Catherine Kirk from the RSHE Service on behalf of Fastn. The resources draw on research from the Media Trust and Fastn around young people and the representation of relationships in the media. The two lessons encourage young people to explore their own and others values around relationships and become agents for change in order to challenge unhelpful media messages. We hope you enjoy using these lessons with your students.

GR8 Minds

WACA's Children's Social Prescribing Service and Children's Counselling Services are available in all of the WACA GP practices

This is an independent voice of primary care within the three diverse communities of the Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group region.

It is a provider organisation and aims to both represent and facilitate general practice at scale to our member practices, whilst maintaining our individuality.

As a CQC-registered limited company, we will also provide innovative services in conjunction with our member practices and other provider organisations.