We now have a large food partnership made up of many organisations from across the district.
A special thanks goes to everyone who has been involved and has helped get the strategy and partnership to this stage, see the list below.
If you don’t see your organisation listed here or if you are interested in becoming a member, then please email us
Organisations | |
3 Valley Vegans | https://3valleyvegns.org.uk/ |
Act Locally | https://www.bradfordbirthto19.co.uk/educational-strategy/ealc/keighley-act-locally |
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust | https://www.airedale-trust.nhs.uk/ |
BAME Voices | |
Better Start Bradford | https://www.betterstartbradford.org.uk/ |
Born In Bradford/ Bradford Institute of Health Research | https://borninbradford.nhs.uk/ https://bradfordresearch.nhs.uk/ |
Bradford Foundation Trust | https://bradfordft.org/ |
Bradford Organic Communities Service Ltd | https://bradford-organics-communities-service-ltd.org.uk/ |
Bradford Trident | https://bradfordtrident.co.uk/ |
British Triathlon | https://www.britishtriathlon.org/ |
Calder and Colne Rivers Trust / South Pennines Farmers | https://calderandcolneriverstrust.org/site/ |
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council | https://www.bradford.gov.uk/ |
CNET | https://cnet.org.uk/ |
Community Action Bradford and District | https://cabad.org.uk/ |
Community Shop Tong | https://www.facebook.com/groups/communityshoptong/ |
Compost-It | https://compost-it.co.uk/ |
Deli Fresh Ltd | |
Department for Work & Pensions | https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-work-pensions |
Faith In Communities | https://faithincommunities.co.uk/ |
Feeding Bradford & Keighley | https://feedingbradford.org.uk/ |
Fix Our Food | https://fixourfood.org/ |
Food Savers | https://foodsavers.org.uk/ |
Foodcycle | https://volunteer.foodcycle.org.uk/ |
Fruit Works | https://www.fruitworks.org.uk/ |
Green Street / Delicious Planet | https://greenstreet.org.uk/ |
Grow Bradford | https://growbradford.org.uk/ |
Grow To School | https://www.growtoschool.co.uk/ |
Hale Project | https://haleproject.org.uk/ |
Incommunities | https://www.incommunities.co.uk/ |
Inn Churches | https://innchurches.co.uk/ |
Inspired Neighbourhoods | https://inspiredneighbourhoods.co.uk/ |
Keighley Healthy Living | https://www.khl.org.uk/ |
Living Well | https://mylivingwell.co.uk/ |
Modality AWC | https://www.modalitypartnership.nhs.uk/ |
National Farmers Union | https://www.nfuonline.com/ |
Natural England | https://www.natural-england.org.uk/ |
NHS - Reducing Inequalities Alliance | https://bdcpartnership.co.uk/strategic-initiatives/ria/ |
NHS Bradford District & Craven Health & Care Partnership | https://bdcpartnership.co.uk/ |
NHS Bradford District Care Trust | https://www.bdct.nhs.uk/ |
NHS Bradford Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust | https://www.bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk/ |
Office of Health Improvement and Disparities | https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/office-for-health-improvement-and-disparities |
People First Keighley | https://www.peoplefirstkc.com/ |
Plant-Based Councils | https://www.plantbasedcouncils.org/ |
Probation Service | https://www.gov.uk/guidance/bradford-fraternal-house |
Race Equality Network | https://raceequalitynetwork.org.uk/ |
Rethink Food | https://www.rethinkfood.co.uk/ |
Royal Horticultural Society | https://www.rhs.org.uk/ |
Salvation Army | https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/ |
Shipley College | https://www.shipley.ac.uk/ |
St Oswald's West End Centre | https://www.thewestendcentrebradford.org/ |
The Ridge Medical Practice | https://www.theridgemedicalpractice.nhs.uk/maintenance.html |
Trees for Cities | https://www.treesforcities.org/bradford |
University of Bradford | https://www.bradford.ac.uk/external/ |
University of York | https://www.york.ac.uk/ |
VCS Alliance | https://www.thevcsalliance.org.uk/ |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/ |
West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership | https://www.wypartnership.co.uk/ |
West Yorkshire Trading Standards | https://www.wyjs.org.uk/trading-standards/ |