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Online support

Person using a tablet while sat down.

Drinkcoach is an online tool which is free, quick and confidential. You can take a quick alcohol test which leads you to personalised advice online and where to find support in the Bradford District.


There are also other options below to get help and support.

Better Health
Cut back on alcohol and feel a bit better every day – it’s easier to start than you think.

Alcohol Change UK
Factsheets offering advice, support and factual information about alcohol.

NHS Live Well: Alcohol Support
Support if you feel you are drinking too much.

Provides advice and information about drugs.

NHS Alcohol Misuse
NHS information and advice on alcohol misuse

An independent charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK to help people make better choices about drinking.

Bradford Council: Drugs and Alcohol Support 
Support, help, information and organisations and how to contact them.