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Diane from Bradford quit smoking for good with the Living Well stop smoking service

Diane started smoking during her 20s, it was considered the norm back then and her brothers and friends all smoked too. But now in her 60s, she was smoking and not eating properly and fell very ill with pneumonia last Christmas and nearly died from it.

Although she had never tried to quit smoking before, or used a service like Living Well, she visited her local chemist to ask for help and the pharmacist at the Ridge Pharmacy encouraged her to get in touch with the free Living Well stop smoking service.

Diane discussed all the different methods to combat her cravings with a stop smoking advisor and found that using an inhalator and gum helped her best.

Diane says: “The Living Well stop smoking service has helped me 100%, if not more. If the pharmacist hadn’t encouraged me, I wouldn’t have stopped. I’ve visited the pharmacist since I quit and he’s noticed the difference too, telling me I look better and don’t seem as breathless”.

Diane said the stop smoking advisor put her at ease and the way that they spoke to her gave her the strength and courage to make the change and stop smoking.

Since successfully quitting, Diane has noticed that she is feeling better, eating well and has even managed to increase her low weight to a healthier weight. She’s bought new clothes and has received compliments from her friends. Diane wanted to be at this stage for a long time and feels much better for it.

Diane says: “Now I’m smoke free and not smoking in the house, my friends have commented on how my home and clothes no longer smell of smoke, which I’m really pleased about. When I’m out with friends I take the gum with me and I’m fine, some days now I even forget to take them!”

If you’re ready to start your own quit journey, you’re three times more likely to quit using the Living Well stop smoking service.

At your first appointment a specially trained Living Well stop smoking advisor will discuss everything with you and create a tailored, personal quit plan that works for you.

They will help you decide the best way to combat nicotine cravings and can offer you a free 12 week vaping kit or prescribe Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT). The service is completely free of charge, you will only pay for prescribed NRT treatments if you usually pay for your prescriptions.

To find help and advice to quit smoking contact the Living Well stop smoking service on 01274 437700. Appointments can be made face to face, over the phone and by email, whatever works best for you.

You can also find out more here

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