Businesses and organisations across Bradford District are being encouraged to sign up to a Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme as part of a national Breastfeeding Strategy.
The national scheme has been introduced to Bradford by Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and Bradford Council. More than half of all babies in England receive no breast milk by the time they are 2 months old and bottle feeding is now seen by many to be the normal and easy way to feed a baby. The aim of the scheme is to help normalise breastfeeding and support mums to feel welcome and comfortable breastfeeding in public places.
Businesses and organisations can sign up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme by running through a simple check list to demonstrate that they welcome and support breastfeeding at their venue. First to sign up includes Airedale Shopping Centre in Keighley and Broadway Shopping Centre in Bradford.
Businesses that have adopted the scheme are added to a national database of breastfeeding welcome venues, and provided with a window sticker to advertise that they are signed up to the scheme. If you are a business or organisation and would like to sign up to the scheme then simply visit: