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Walk to Work Day

When is it? 4 April!

With all the rushing around that most of us do in the morning (and perhaps hitting the snooze button 5 times before crawling out of bed!) a lot of us barely get to work on time driving in the car… who has time to WALK to work?

You do!

Walk to Work Day is a chance to change up our routines, adding a little more time to it, to see how a brisk walk can lead to a more efficient and energised life overall!

How can I join in?

Set your alarm a bit earlier, pack up a breakfast that can be eaten on the go, and plan the route you’re going to take. There are often shortcuts for those on foot that cars can’t take! Wear comfy shoes you can easily walk in and remember to take your work shoes to change into.

Everyone can join in Walk to Work Day! You could walk all of the way or get off the bus/train at an earlier stop or park the car a bit further away than usual and walk the rest of the way in!

If it’s not possible to change your usual commute to work, you could arrange a walk at lunchtime and maybe invite some of your work friends to join you!

How will being more active help me?

Being physically active can help people to manage stress, back pain, weight and various medical conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and type-2 diabetes and it can help to reduce the risk of developing several cancers (including breast and colon cancer).

There’s also plenty of evidence that taking part in physical activity can have a profound and positive impact on mental wellbeing.

Being physically active can:

  • Improve mood
  • Decrease the chance of depression and anxiety
  • Lead to a better and more balanced lifestyle

Watch a film about walking to work

What else can I do?

Being active doesn’t have to be all about organised sport and gyms. Join the 20 Minute Movement to find out more!

Check out the 20 Minute Movement A to Z to find activities in Bradford district.

Use the Living Well Activity Portal to find activities in your local area.

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