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Physical Activity & Healthy Diet

Assorted Fruit and Vegetables

We are working in partnership with many organisations and key school stakeholders to develop a local school food strategy, including redefining our locally commissioned services and information on relevant local initiatives/services.

Part of this strategy includes providing support to schools to deliver whole school approaches to food.  If you’re keen find out a bit more about the process see here.

We are also exploring whole school approaches to physical activity using the Creating Active Schools Framework which is being piloted in a number of schools across the district. Further information can be found here Creating Active Schools

Below are links to some of the resources and initiatives that can be used by schools to help children and their families find ways to eat healthier diets and become more physically active. Check out the full programme under the ‘Support Directory’ section.

Spotlight Programs

Fix Our Food in Schools (Free)

Provided by: Fix our Food

Fix our Food is a schools network. This is a Yorkshire wide initiative, but we will be focusing on Bradford in the early stages (and is what we are linking with for the Living well in schools evaluation survey). Fix our Food in Schools provides an opportunity for primary schools to engage with a network which focuses on food for both population and planetary health – providing resources for schools, school level data to help monitoring and opportunities for children to attend events such as farm visits. We also work with schools to help them improve their whole school food environment and often seek schools to help test out new initiatives (like new indoor growing towers) or contribute to decision making/priority setting to inform policy.

Creating Active Schools

Provided by: Creating Active Schools

This is an evidence-based behavioural science approach to facilitate organisational change that will enable all primary age pupils to be active at school for at least 30 minutes every day.

It involves ongoing support (both online and face to face) that enables schools to use the Creating Active Schools implementation model in the short, medium and long term. There is an online profile and implementation toolkit supported by in person termly training, networking and CAS Champion support. CAS Champion Support provided to JU:MP and CP5 schools only.


Dedicated Resources

Primary School Physical Literacy Framework

Physical Literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that provides children with the movement foundation for lifelong participation in physical activity. Enabling them to be physically literate supports their development as competent, confident and healthy movers.

Yorkshire Sport

We are committed to providing opportunities for young people to get involved in sport and physical activity, not only as participants but also as coaches, leaders and volunteers.

In an ever changing landscape, we aim to work with and support a wide range of partners to increase opportunities for children and young people.

We support a number of projects and initiatives focused on increasing the number of young people involved in sport and physical activity.

School Food Matters

School Food Matters have developed a checklist for headteachers including all the things they have seen working well at schools. It includes specific actions that improve food culture in schools and increase take-up of school dinners. This checklist is designed to be printed out and pinned up in your office, in the office of your
business manager and in the school kitchen.

Government Resources for School Food Standards

Department for Education: Resources to help schools plan and provide healthy food in schools.