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Reducing Classroom Inequalities

Arts and Crafts Class at School

All children deserve the best possible start in life. This includes the opportunity to thrive in a school and class based environment.

However, many children and young people still face significant social, political and economic hurdles whilst learning. This places their academic attainment – alongside their physical and mental wellbeing – at significant risk when compared to their peers.

Extensive research demonstrates that children’s social and economic background is a significant predictor of their educational success. These gaps in educational performance can take root early in children’s lives and fail to narrow in the years that follow – children who start behind stay behind. In addition, students who are already part of minorities (by race, class, gender or disability) may be disproportionately represented in groups with lower educational attainment.

Living Well Schools is committed to reducing the impact of classroom inequalities. The following tools, resources and programmes are provided to support schools and help students to achieve their potential.

Family Watching a Tablet

Tackling The Digital Divide

The pandemic highlighted a large digital divide with some children not able to access online learning. A range of national and local initiatives were developed to tackle these issues and meet the needs of children who were digitally excluded.

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ABC Blocks, Pencils and an Apple on Top of Books

Poverty Proofing the School Day

Working with the organisation Children North East, a pilot for Poverty Proofing the School Day is being offered to a cohort of schools in the district. This involves talking to all pupils, staff, parents and governors to create an action plan. This reflects the lived…

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Kite Being Help in a Field

Reducing Discrimination and Prejudice

School should be a place where children develop tolerance and compassion. A Kindness, Compassion and Understanding campaign was recently delivered to some schools by a group of mental health apprentices. This helped children and young people to develop a shared understanding which enabled them to…

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Priority Areas

Living Well Schools aims to improve three key areas we consider to be most crucial for the health and wellbeing of our children. Physical health, social and emotional health and reducing classroom inequalities. Please see the sections below to learn more about work that is happening locally to address these issues.