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What could you do?

Ready to get started?

Are you wondering what could you do? Literally anything at all!  It could be dancing while you do housework, doing squats while you brush your teeth, or getting off the bus/train a stop early and walking.

  • You can do it all at once
  • You can do it in 5 minute chunks
  • Or 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening
  • Inside or outside
  • Whatever works for you

It’s not about joining expensive gyms or having fancy trainers; the movement is about making a promise to yourself to do something to be active every day.

People who join our 20 Minute Movement find that making time to do something active, that they enjoy, really helps to give them a boost mentally and physically.

If running or long walks aren’t for you, don’t worry – you can still join in! The 20 Minute Movement is all about helping you find something you do enjoy doing. You could play your favourite music and have a disco at home! Do 10 star jumps and 10 squats every time the adverts are on the TV!

It’s easy – choose a physical activity you enjoy and commit to doing it for at least 20 minutes every day! That’s it! Why not encourage your friends, family and colleagues to join the challenge too?

Here’s a list of ideas to help you get started.

Click the picture to see a larger version you can download and fill in every day!

  1. Dance while you do housework
  2. Explore your local area – find a street you haven’t walked down before
  3. Take the kids to the park for a game of tig!
  4. Walk the long way to the shop
  5. Park further away and walk to work or the school gates
  6. Use the stairs instead of a lift
  7. Get your bike out and go for a ride
  8. Try an online workout or exercise video on YouTube
  9. Play indoor football with a balloon
  10. Play musical statues/bumps with the kids

View ‘20 Minute Movement Ideas to get you started‘ Chart.

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