To be at our best we all need a balance of different foods. Eating a variety of things from the main food groups will make sure you eat a balanced diet and give you enough energy.
A third of the food we eat each day should be fruit and veg. Just over a third should be starchy food like wholewheat pasta, brown rice or potatoes.
The rest should be a good balance of calcium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and dairy-free alternatives, and protein foods, such as beans, lentils, lean meat, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meat free alternatives. Only a small amount of fat like oils should be used for cooking.
Small changes all add up to a big difference. Making some simple swaps can help you eat well, stay fuller for longer, and boost your energy. Whether you’re at home, out and about, making packed lunches or family dinners – making a swap is easy!
Some of the foods we eat are a mixture of the main food groups. For example, pasta dishes have pasta which is a carbohydrate and provides us with energy. They also have a sauce which might contain protein and vegetables. Try to check the ingredients in things like sauces to keep an eye out for how much sugar, fat and salt they contain
Wholegrain food is packed with more fibre and nutrients than white or refined starchy food. Our bodies digest it more slowly, so it makes us feel fuller for longer.
The Eatwell Guide shows the proportions of the main food groups that form a healthy, balanced diet